Mar. 07, 2024
Sports & Entertainment
Of all the hazards faced by workers, noise might be the most insidious. Sure, if you’re with 77,000 Kansas City Chiefs fans in Arrowhead Stadium, with crowd noise cranked up to 142.2 decibels, you’re screaming but you can’t be heard. If you’re standing next to a Top Fuel car that breathes fire at more than 150 decibels, you worry about your eardrum shattering.
But if you’re at a nightclub where noise can reach 100dB, are you thinking about dB levels? Just another night out. If you’re pushing a lawnmower with an average noise of 94dB, are you bothered? You’ve mowed the lawn hundreds of times.
Kansas City Chiefs fans set the record for loudest stadium in the world at 142.2 decibelsThat’s the danger of noise. We get acclimated to it, especially at work. And noise does its damage over time, day after day, year after year, killing inner ear hair cells usually without us realizing we’re slowly losing our hearing. Hearing loss is often discovered and recorded in the annual audiogram required by OSHA for each employee exposed at or above an eight-hour time-weighted average of 85dB. The loss is not always painful. Sure, if you’re standing next to a jackhammer or a gun shot blast without wearing hearing protection, that sonic burst can stun you, leaving your ears temporarily ringing.
But 22 million workers in the U.S. are regularly exposed to potentially damaging noise, according to the Centers for Disease Control. OSHA mandates that any workplace averaging 85dB for an eight-hour average exposure must put in place an effective hearing conservation program. (On construction sites it’s a 90dB threshold.) If you need to raise your voice to speak to someone three feet away, noise levels might be above 85dB.
Hearing conservation programs prevent initial occupational hearing loss, protect remaining hearing and equip workers with the knowledge and hearing protection devicesIndustries most cited by OSHA for hearing protection violations:
Protecting and preserving your hearing can make a huge difference in your quality of life. Permanent hearing loss cannot be corrected through surgery or medicine. Hearing aids can help, but they won’t restore your hearing to normal. Your conversations, taken for granted for so many years, may never be the same. Music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, you’ll have to crank ‘em up and hope you don’t annoy whoever is with you.
OSHA requires employers to follow a hierarchy of controls to keep the noise down in workplaces. The first strategy, installing engineering controls such as modifying or replacing equipment, often is not economically or technically feasible. The second option, limiting the time a person spends at a noise source, is often impracticable. Personal protective equipment in the form of hearing protection devices is the most common line of defense.
Concerning hearing protection and the hierarchy of controls, hearing PPE is the most common line of defenseThere is an assortment of industrial hearing protection devices (HPDs) to choose from:
Other noise canceling earmuffs passively block noise by relying on the insulating materials of the ear cups to dampen sound. They're typically worn in areas where workers don't need to speak with one another and the goal is to block all or most surrounding noise. As the NRR of these earmuffs increases, they tend to get bulkier due to the larger ear cups and increased insulation materials.
Keep in mind no single industrial hearing protector fits all people. Devices address a variety of workplaces environments and conditions, including different decibels levels, specific industries, as well as different communication requirements.
The first step in finding the right hearing protection is to determine what the noise level is in your workplace. OSHA requires measuring noise exposure with a sound level meter or noise dosimeter or both. Measurements should be taken at different times to help determine the different noise levels experienced throughout a workday. Employee movement and sound instrument calibration and maintenance should also be considered in a comprehensive measurement program.
See also:OSHA and ANSI’s sound level estimates chart uses a thermometer-type image to rank on the left side job site sound levels as low as a framing saw (82dB), a backhoe (85dB), and up to a bulldozer (100dB), jackhammer (102dB), grader and scraper (107dB) and a chain saw (110dB). On the right side of the thermometer are everyday sound levels, ranging from a whispered voice (30dB), normal conversation (60dB) to a jet engine at takeoff (140dB) and a gunshot (140dB).
Once the noise level of a work area is determined, you can look at the noise reduction ratings (NRR) of hearing protectors to decide how much attenuation is needed to bring the worker’s exposure below the 85dB threshold. The NRR is a common method for expressing values of noise reduction or attenuation provided by different types of hearing protectors; values range from 0 to approximately 30. The higher the NRR number associated with a hearing protector, the greater the potential for noise reduction.
Skullerz 8880 Hard Hat Mounted Earmuffs are tested and certified to 26dB Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)Noise reduction ratings are important because they indicate the functionality of a device, and the ability of that device to protect hearing in noisy environments.
To approximate an NRR, break out a calculator. Industrial hearing protectors do not reduce the decibel levels in the workplace by the precise decibel reduction number on the NRR label because the hearing protector was tested in a lab, not in the field. Say a person working in a loud occupational environment is exposed to noise at 94dB(A). If the individual is wearing hearing protection equipment with an NRR of about 26dB(A), you would think the noise exposure amount would be lowered to 68dB(A). Wrong. Instead, it would be lowered to 84.5dB(A), below the OSHA threshold of 85dB. How is this calculated? OSHA has methods for estimating the adequacy of hearing protection attenuation. One method’s calculation includes:
What if you are wearing two sets of ear protectors? How is the NRR calculated? This method’s calculation includes:
Training on the proper use of hearing protectors should include individual fit testing to measure how well the devices fit each person.
So what’s best for you? Disposables or reusables? Earplugs or earmuffs? The first thing to do is find adequate protection. Second, make sure the hearing protector is compatible with other PPE or communication devices. And then there is the age-old challenge of compliance – making sure the hearing protection is comfortable and convenient enough to be accepted and worn, not found dangling around the neck, stuffed in a pocket or flipped up on hard hats. Despite decades of knowledge about the dangers of high noise and hearing loss, NIOSH declares occupational hearing loss the most common U.S. work-related illness in manufacturing.
Skullerz 8880 Earmuffs are designed for easy Ergodyne Hard Hat and Safety Helmet integrationProvide your employees with the opportunity to select their hearing protection from a variety of suitable devices. This is a mandate in OSHA noise standard. And it’s one OSHA mandate easily met.
The marketplace for industrial hearing protection features all the types of protection needed for any situation. One example, Skullerz 8880 NRR 26dB Hard Hat Mounted Earmuffs, designed for all-day comfort and for hard hat and safety helmet integration.
Triple up on protection by adding a face shield, earmuffs and a headlamp to Skullerz Hard Hats and Safety HelmetsHellberg offers hearing protectors in four different styles. Standard headband protectors are our most popular choice. If you need to combine your hearing protector with a helmet, choose the helmet-mounted style. Don’t forget to ensure that the helmet you choose is approved in combination with the selected hearing protector.
For those of you who value flexibility, neckbands or foldable protectors could be the right choice. Protectors with a neck band can be worn with bump caps, sun protection hats or helmets without attachment slots.
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